We all have been there before.
You look at the clock and you find yourself 3 hours deep into your work.
Your neck is feeling stiff as hell and you go to stand up and your back is giving you grief.
You know you need to be proactive about this and something needs to be done about it. Otherwise you going to end up with a long term issue that is going to take hours of therapy to get rid off.
There are few things to look at here. Your desk setup is definitely to be looked at and we will revisit that later.
The other thing is actually taking breaks and moving a little. Research says that you need to be taking frequent breaks in order to avoid niggles and pain.
We are talking every 40 minutes. And only 2 minutes of break can help with pain but if you can do 5-10 minutes even better.
Your question now should be, how do I spend my 2-5 minutes for the best result?
It can be any movement, but if you can do some well thought out stretches that would be even better.
We thought rather than explaining the stretches with words or just putting pictures we would record it for you.
So here are 3 different types of stretches that you can do right at home or at your desk at work.
Ideally you want to do this every 40 minutes or so. However even if you perform this once per day it is better than nothing…
Imagine how your body is going to feel if you do this consistently.
If you do 5 minutes per day we are talking about 10 hours of stretching over a 3 month period.
If you ask me I would be doing that 5 minute investment over hundreds of dollars for physiotherapy appointments.
If you need any help with these stretches or have any other questions please feel free to contact us on the button below.
Personal Coach and Masseuse @FitTech Studios
Call us on 02 4210 9660 or contact us HERE.